To recognize the strength of the Teaching Endorsement Program and position it for future growth, the Drake Institute has mapped each teaching endorsement to a defined teaching and learning core competenc
New Programming to Support Teaching with Technology
Would you like guidance on how to effectively integrate learning technology in your in-person or online course? Starting this fall, the Drake Institute is expanding its programming to better support Ohio State educators to enhance their teaching with university-supported technology tools.
eLearning Developments
We are excited to announce that starting this semester, the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning is expanding programs and services for innovative teaching with digital technologies.
Autumn Programming
The Drake Institute is pleased to share our full Autumn 2024 programming lineup featuring a variety of workshops across multiple core competency areas, including Active Learning, Assessing Student Learning, Inclusive Teaching, and more. Search by event tag or view all our offerings on our events page.&
Distinguished Nurses & Educators Join Leadership Academy Orientation for Year-Long Program
Washington, DC — The National League for Nursing welcomed Jennifer Forbush DNP, APRN-CNP and Kelly Sullivan DNP, APRN-CNP from The Ohio State University College of Nursing in early August for an orientation to the Social Determinants of Health & Social Change L