Each year, the Drake Institute sponsors a learning community focused on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) and Discipline-based Education Research (DBER). Applications are now open to participate in the learning community for the 2022-23 academic year.
The SoTL and DBER Learning Community offers faculty and staff an extended opportunity to learn about and undertake a project in SoTL/DBER while establishing collegial relationships across disciplines and reinforcing a culture at Ohio State that brings together the scholarship, research, and practice of teaching and learning.
The 2022-23 learning community will begin in early September 2022 and conclude in May 2023. Meetings will occur once monthly with additional inter-session collaborations and resources available to all participants. The primary meeting modality will be via zoom, though in-person opportunities may be available.
Applications will be accepted through Aug. 22.