The One-Stop, Centralized Hub for Teaching Resources at Ohio State
Explore a large selection of teaching and learning articles authored by more than 70 experts from around Ohio State, as well as a collection of digital tools for teaching vetted and recommended by OSU's Office of Technology and Digital Innovation at Ohio State's Teaching and Learning Resource Center (TLRC). Visit the TLRC to learn strategies and to locate resources to use in your next course. Several Drake Institute staff picks from the larger list of TLRC "Teaching Topic" articles are highlighted below.
Institute Staff Pick: Managing Classroom Conflict

Explore strategies to turn challenging moments into learning opportunities by mitigating and addressing conflicts that may arise.
Institute Staff Pick: Using Backward Design to Plan Your Course

Read about how using a "backward design" process in the planning and design of your course can improve alignment and support both instructor and student success in this Drake Institute staff pick from the TLRC Teaching Topics list of resources.
Institute Staff Pick: Facilitating Discussion

Learn how to both prepare for and facilitate more effective and productive discussions in your learning environment in this TLRC Teaching Topic on Facilitating Discussion.
Institute Staff Pick: Beyond the SEI: Collecting Student Feedback on Your Teaching

Visit this Drake Institute staff selection from the TLRC to read about the variety of opportunities that are available to instructors to collect feedback on instruction. Learn how to use feedback effectively and discover the many ways that early, mid, and end-of-course feedback can benefit both instructors and students.
Institute Staff Pick: Supporting Student Learning and Metacognition

In this Drake Institute staff pick from the collection of TLRC Teaching Topics, you can learn about instructional strategies and approaches that have been shown to support student learning and metacognitive practice and development.
Institute Staff Pick - Shaping a Positive Learning Environment

Explore the TLRC Teaching Topic on Shaping a Positive Learning Environment to read about the variety of evidence-based strategies available to instructors supporting the development of strong, supportive, welcoming learning environments that support student motivation, engagement, and belonging.