At the Drake Institute, we are excited to engage with Ohio State graduate students and postdocs who are interested in developing as effective, evidence-informed instructors both now and in preparation for future careers. Multiple programs are available, specifically designed to support all graduate students and postdocs, whether teaching now as graduate assistants or instructors, or simply interested in preparing to teach as part of a career in higher education.
Graduate students and postdocs at Ohio State, please explore the programs and services highlighted on this page to find the opportunity that is right for you!

Academic Job Search Planning
Graduate students and postdocs preparing to enter the academic job market will find there are often common documents requested in job market dossiers. Those interested can find detailed information about three documents commonly requested in academic job market applications and request a consultation to discuss best practices in preparing to enter the academic job market by visiting our Academic Job Search Planning page. Ohio State graduate students and postdocs can also visit the Drake Institute events page to find upcoming workshops and events related to developing teaching statements and other teaching portfolio materials.

CIRTL at Ohio State
The Ohio State University joined the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) as a member institution in 2021. CIRTL is a network of more than 40 institutions across North America that collectively commit to providing programming and services to support graduate students and postdocs in professional learning around evidence-based teaching practices as they prepare for a career in higher education. As Ohio State's home for CIRTL, the Drake Institute offers unique programming and resources designed specifically for graduate students and postdocs who aspire for teaching excellence in a future academic career.

Graduate Teaching Associate Toolkit
The Drake Institute recognizes the significant role that Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAs) play in the educational experience of our students, as well as the many challenges experienced by GTAs in being assigned responsibilities around teaching and learning at the university. In response to those challenges and expectations, the Institute offers an annual series of workshops, designed specifically for GTAs at Ohio State. This GTA Toolkit series provides opportunities for GTAs from across the university to come together and discuss common challenges and to learn effective, evidence-based strategies for teaching. These in-person workshops are always engaging, informative and fun!
Graduate Teaching Orientation
Each summer, the Drake Institute hosts a comprehensive Graduate Teaching Orientation (GTO) for all new and incoming graduate students who hold graduate teaching associate (GTA) appointments. This multi-day orientation to teaching as a graduate student at Ohio State is offered free of charge and includes both virtual and in-person engagement opportunities.