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Discover University Libraries’ Student Services

The Ohio State University Libraries offers a variety of services for students. Ask Us and A+ Research Coaching are two services where students help the OSU community best utilize library resources. Ask Us aids with library services and research. It also acts as a connection to subject librarians to provide timely, accurate assistance with research inquiries. Ask Us can be accessed online via chat, by phone (614-292-8267) or in person at the reference desk in Thompson Library.

A+ Research Coaching is a peer-to-peer service that offers personalized guidance to undergraduate students through any step of the research process such as: developing research questions, defining search terms and gathering resources. They can also assist with research strategies, various citation styles and navigating library databases. Appointments for coaching are available in person (meeting in Thompson Library) and with limited virtual availability.

Our highly trained coaches have experience working with instructors of 1000-2000 level courses and librarians through various projects and outreach opportunities. Additionally, instructors can request for coaches to give a presentation on our services and other library resources.