Celebrating Ohio State Faculty Successes: Recent Highlights

Discover the accomplishments of Ohio State University’s faculty members. Our scholars are making a significant impact through research and transformative teaching. Explore these achievements, which include research publications, articles, and more, below.


Publications and Articles

Drawing from extensive experience and knowledge, along with resources from the Drake Institute at Ohio State and Cornell University, Institute Affiliate and Professor, Dr. Brian Raison, has shared guidance and recommendations for a clear process to review and revitalize the Teaching Philosophy section of your CV. Read the full article sharing Dr. Raison’s recommendations here.

Ohio State Professor of Anthropology, Dr. Jeffrey H. Cohen, published an article in the March 2024 issue of Teaching Anthropology with co-author Andrew Mitchell, documenting musical interludes that were developed for use in teaching economic anthropology. Read the full article at https://doi.org/10.22582/ta.v13i1.693.

Dr. Ashley Landers (Assistant Professor, Human Development and Family Science) published an article entitled, “’I’m fighting with BPD instead of my partner,’: A dyadic interpretative phenomenological analysis of the lived experience of couples navigating borderline personality disorder,” in the January 2024 issue of the Journal of Martial and Family Therapy with co-authors Abigail O’Leary (Virginia Tech University) and Dr. Jeffrey Jackson (BYU). Read the full article at https://doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12669.


Media and Presentations

Assistant Professor in Human Development and Family Science, Dr. Ashley Landers has been featured in The Ohio State University’s Inspire Podcast entitled, “Turning back the tide on Black youth suicide.” To listen, visit https://ehe.osu.edu/podcast/turning-back-tide-black-youth-suicide

Dr. Landers also recently presented with Sicangu Lakota Elder, Sandy White Hawk, at the National Indian Child Welfare Association’s (NICWA) 42nd Annual Protecting our Children Conference in Seattle, WA. In addition, Dr. Landers co-authored multiple articles within the International Society for the Prevention of Child Abuse & Neglect’s (ISPCAN) Special Issue Journal, entitled Indigenous Youth Wellbeing: Risk and Resilience, and served as a presenter on that work at a recent ISPCAN monthly journal club webinar.  View the webinar and access Dr. Landers’ articles by visiting https://ispcan.org/journal-clubs/journal-special-issue-on-indigenous-youth-wellbeing-risk-resilience/.

Clinical Assistant Professor in the Ohio State College of Medicine, Dr. Kris Martens, presented at the Midwest Microbiome Symposium held at Purdue University in May on the role of the gut microbiome following traumatic brain injury. You can find Dr. Martens’ abstract and more information about the symposium at https://centers.purdue.edu/microbiome/2024-symposium-schedule/.