We know that instructors are often negotiating time and various responsibilities throughout the semester. This three hour a week commitment over four sessions--divided between asynchronous individual work, a 1 hour synchronous collaboration with the WAC team and fellow participants, and an optional half hour of workshop time--affords you several opportunities to:
Accepting Abstracts for 2023 Annual Education Symposium
The Ohio State University College of Medicine is now accepting abstracts for the 2023 Annual Education Symposium-- a free, annual, daylong, and hybrid event that focuses on health professions education and educational research. We want to hear about your innovative education research and teaching strategies for preparing tomorrow’s health professionals.
Another Exciting GTA (Graduate Teaching) Toolkit!
The Drake Institute Graduate Consultants offered a second GTA Toolkit this semester on September 20, 2022, from 11am – 12:30pm in the Ohio Union Barbie Tootle room, with a catered lunch generously provided by OUAB!
Midterm Assessment of Teaching
According to research by teaching and learning scholar Lisa Lenze (2012), students are often “surprised and motivated” by instructor efforts to give them an opportunity to provide their instructor with feedback.
Drake Institute Successfully Co-Sponsors Hybrid New Faculty Program
In August, newly hired faculty of all ranks and tracks were invited to a multi-day hybrid New Faculty Orientation (NFO). Hosted by the Office of Academic Affairs in partnership with the Drake Institute, NFO strives to equip Ohio State’s newest