Upcoming workshops scheduled for the remainder of the semester are hyperlinked in the Upcoming Events section below.
Upcoming Events
Rotating Events
We also offer a variety of workshops supporting Inclusive Teaching on a rotating basis. You can click each listed title below in the accordions to view a description.
A Deep Dive into Teaching with Transparency
Transparency in teaching is a commonly referenced concept with evidence-based links to equity and student success. In this workshop, participants will explore ways in which transparent teaching practices can strengthen active learning, assignments, and assessment. Participants will be encouraged to consider new ideas and literature-informed approaches to transparency in their own instruction and will be provided opportunities to share and receive feedback from peers.
From Debate to Dialogue: Conversation Strategies for Building Connection Across Difference
Personal preparation is key to addressing difficult conversations when they arise, be it the workplace, the classroom, or the residence hall. Dialogue is the fabric of human interaction and learning, and we also know that sharing diverse perspectives must be done with respect and care for everyone.
“From Debate to Dialogue: Conversation Strategies to Build Connection Across Difference” is a training series created by the OAA Inclusive Excellence unit and Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning to address this important topic. This training is also a qualifying event for the Inclusive Teaching Endorsement.
Introduction to Inclusive Teaching: Universal Design for Learning
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework for providing students with learning opportunities that are inclusive, equitable and accessible. UDL helps instructors design courses for diverse learners and the interests, experiences, background knowledge and skills they bring to our classrooms. During this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the UDL framework and discuss practical strategies for designing more flexible courses.
Introduction to Teaching New First Year Students
Understanding the most relevant characteristics of new first-year students is paramount to providing support and fostering their success.
This workshop was developed by the Drake Institute, in collaboration with partners from the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Engineering, the Dennis Learning Center, First Year Experience, and Undergraduate Education; General Education Bookends to prepare instructors to design and teach classes that meet the needs of new first-year students in their transition to a new academic setting.
Participants will learn about new first-year students within emotional, psycho-social, and cognitive developmental contexts, and will explore effective teaching strategies to support them. Participants will leave with a customized plan for implementing concepts from the workshop into their teaching, and for engaging in continued professional learning.
Striving for Inclusive Teaching in the Health Professions through UDL
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles that supports providing all individuals with equal learning opportunities. It encourages instructors to undertake the design process by expecting the curriculum to be accessed by diverse learners with varying abilities and skills. During this interactive workshop, participants will learn about the UDL framework and discuss practical strategies for designing inclusive courses in the health professions education courses.
Syllabus Strategies to Foster Student Sense of Belonging
Student sense of belonging continues to be an ongoing concern in higher education. Evidence demonstrates that students’ sense of belonging in the classroom contributes to increased academic performance and overall well-being. Faculty and instructors can play a critical role in contributing to sense of belonging in the classroom through course materials and pedagogical style.
In this workshop we will discuss intentional approaches to syllabus design. Participants are encouraged to have their existing syllabi available to edit or work on during the session and will be given the opportunity to incorporate suggested strategies throughout the workshop. Excerpts from exemplary syllabi will be shared, and participants will leave with a customized plan for implementing concepts from the workshop into their syllabi. Participants who do not currently have a syllabus to work on are also encouraged to join this session and can benefit from the topics discussed. This workshop was developed by the Drake Institute in collaboration with Counseling and Consultation Service.
Trauma-Informed Teaching
In the context of a recent pandemic, heightened attention to racial injustice, and pervasive political conflict, students and teachers alike must grapple with trauma in their everyday lives. This workshop equips participants with a trauma-informed approach to teaching, anchored in compassion, preparedness and accessibility. Participants will discuss the importance of trauma-informed teaching, explore trauma-informed strategies, and practice tactics to build optimism and engagement in our learning spaces.