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eLearning Developments

We are excited to announce that starting this semester, the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning is expanding programs and services for innovative teaching with digital technologies. Additionally, the Drake Institute will coordinate administrative updates of the Teaching and Learning Resource Center, a cross-unit collaboration that provides articles and announcements for Ohio State educators.

While Ohio State Online will continue its mission of providing dedicated support for instructors teaching in the university’s online programs, the Drake Institute will support instructors in other contexts as they integrate technology across delivery modalities.

Visit the Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning to explore programs and services available to all who teach at Ohio State, including faculty, graduate students, postdocs, and department and program administrators. Visit the Teaching and Learning Resource Center to explore articles and resources aimed at enhancing teaching success.

For additional support with teaching, instructors may contact their academic unit and the following offices:


We look forward to working together to enhance teaching and learning experiences at Ohio State.