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Inclusive Teaching

Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning


College classrooms are one of the few places in an increasingly polarized world where students must engage with different perspectives over time. This learning environment can be an opportunity for transformative learning experiences, directly correlated with motivation, engagement and achievement (Zumbrunn et al. 2014). Many teachers, however, feel underprepared to foster meaningful discourse or support a diverse student body. Inclusive teaching describes the range of approaches to teaching that creates a learning environment where all students feel valued and have equal access to learning. This endorsement will allow you to explore issues and tools for creating inclusive learning environments.


Get Started

Learn more about Endorsement requirements and offerings.

Apply for Endorsement

Complete your required documentation.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • Define inclusive teaching.
  • Discuss research on how effective inclusive teaching strategies impact learning.
  • Practice identifying opportunities and proactive measures for inclusive learning environments.
  • Identify challenges and supports to inclusion within current courses.
  • Plan specific inclusive strategies to apply in your own teaching this term. 

Participation Requirements

Participants interested in applying for the Inclusive Teaching Endorsement will be expected to identify and complete at least six separate experiences that, in total, account for a minimum of nine hours of professional learning and that support participants in achieving the outcomes of this endorsement listed above. A minimum of two experiences must be offered by the Drake Institute.  Experiences should be focused on professional learning about inclusive teaching and may take the form of sessions or workshops, online trainings, individual consultations with Drake Institute staff, or other engagements that have been previously reviewed and approved by the Drake Institute. Event-based experiences in this endorsement are often open to the entire university, but some may be designed for specific departments or regional campuses. All participants must write and submit a written reflection to receive the endorsement.

To find qualifying events, visit the Institute Event Calendar. Qualifying events are tagged: INCLUSIVE.  Events sponsored by the Drake Institute and other university units are also posted on the Teaching and Learning Resource Center (TLRC) Learning Opportunities Calendar. Events are added frequently, and we recommend that you check regularly for new programming.

Dissemination and Sharing (optional)

Participants are encouraged, but not required, to share what they learned while attending experiences for the endorsement. This can happen either through a video or written reflection (which could be the same as the reflection required for the endorsement). Participants can share anonymously if they choose. The reflection will be shared on the Inclusive Teaching web resource, where Ohio State teachers share strategies and ideas on creating inclusive learning environments. Visit the Drake Institute Inclusive Teaching resource for more information. 

Contact if you have questions about this endorsement program.

Ohio College Teaching Consortium (optional)

To promote student success, the Ohio College Teaching Consortium (OCTC) equips instructors at Ohio’s colleges and universities with evidence-based teaching strategies. Their inclusive teaching endorsement recognizes the commitment of instructors who pursue instructional excellence. Criteria completed for the Drake Institute Inclusive Teaching endorsement may satisfy requirements for the OCTC endorsement.


The final teaching endorsement application will require you to upload the following:

  • BuckeyeLearn certificates for each Inclusive Teaching event you attended (if applicable)
  • Confirmation/documentation for Inclusive Teaching events not tracked in BuckeyeLearn (if applicable)
  • Confirmation/documentation for meeting with a Drake Institute Instructional Consultant (if applicable)

View instructions to access BuckeyeLearn certificates here.


Program Elements

Required Hours: Minimum nine hours/ minimum six experiences.

Timeline: 1-2 semesters.

Singular Events (sessions, workshops, trainings, etc.)
In-person, Online Course, Webinar The Institute and our partnering units across campus offer numerous events throughout the academic year that qualify as singular experiences for this endorsement. Information about upcoming events can be found on the Institute events page tagged: INCLUSIVE and on the TLRC Learning Opportunities calendar.  Additionally, the Institute and our partnering units may offer event or workshop series' that offer particpants the opportunity to complete multiple experiences.  Individual sessions within a series each may count as an individual experience toward the endorsement.
Individual consultation with the Drake Institute

Participants may choose to meet individually with an Institute consultant to either plan which elements of this programming best fit their needs or to discuss the topic of inclusive teaching as it relates to their specific circumstances. Participants can meet with a consultant as many times as needed, but only one meeting will count towards an experience for this endorsement. 

For more information, contact the Institute for Teaching and Learning


Get Started

Learn more about Endorsement requirements and offerings.

Apply for Endorsement

Complete your required documentation.