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Evidence-Based Course Design for Online Courses

Michael V. Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning


Designing an effective and student-centered online course can be difficult without adequate support and preparation. Instructors might know the type of learning they’d like students to achieve but may be unsure how to accomplish it through their course design decisions. Or they might feel inexperienced with effective practices for online course design. They may be uncertain about the best ways to assess student learning or employ teaching methods that support students in their progress toward learning outcomes.

The Evidence-Based Course Design for Online Courses teaching endorsement is for participants who are designing or redesigning an online course. This asynchronous, self-paced experience guides instructors through the steps of the backward design process in order to design an effective, inclusive course that will meet Ohio State’s expectations for quality online learning.

Participants of Course Design for Online Courses (CDOC) will learn about evidence-based effective practices for online course design and work step by step through the creation of learning outcomes; the design of aligned, authentic assignments; the selection of course content; the integration of teaching and learning strategies; and the exploration of online tools. Participants will have the opportunity to share their work with others in the course and are welcome to request Drake Institute consultations for additional assistance along the way. By the conclusion of CDOC, participants will have compiled a course design portfolio they can use to build their course.

Get Started

Learn more about Endorsement requirements and offerings.

Apply for Endorsement

Complete your required documentation.

Learning Outcomes

Participants will be able to:

  • Articulate course goals and aligned learning outcomes.
  • Create opportunities for students to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes.
  • Select course content that supports student learning.
  • Evaluate pedagogical tools and teaching strategies appropriate to the context, goals, and learning outcomes of n online course.
  • Craft an inclusive and supportive online learning environment.


Participation Requirements

This is a fully self-paced, asynchronous learning experience.  Participants will spend roughly 3 hours in each of six modules planning meaningful course goals and outcomes; aligned, authentic assignments that promote online academic integrity; a content structure that supports the learning they prioritize most; and online teaching and learning strategies to create a welcoming and equitable learning environment. Finally, participants explore the online tools and technologies that best align to their own course priorities.

You may register for the course through BuckeyeLearn.



The final teaching endorsement application will require you to upload the following:

  • A BuckeyeLearn certificate for Course Design for Online Courses
  • Your completed course Blueprint (Word document or PebblePad portfolio)
    • Instructions if you completed a PebblePad portfolio:
      • Access the Course Blueprint page of your portfolio
      • Select the "i" button in the upper right corner
      • Under "Page reuse," select "Make current page visible in your store"
      • Navigate to your Asset Store. You will now see your course blueprint listed in your assets (likely, the second asset listed)
      • Click into your blueprint and then select the "I want to" button
      • Choose export and save the file to your computer


Program Elements

Online Course Quality and University Expectations3To begin the course, you will learn about university expectations for online courses and elements that will ensure an effective learning experience for your students.
Big Rocks, Goals, and Learning Outcomes3Next, you will determine the priorities you have for your course, your students, and your teaching. Then you’ll write course goals and specific learning outcomes. 
Planning Assignments and Activities3We will guide you through a process of designing authentic, aligned, and transparent assignments and help you sequence them across a semester. 
Choosing Content3After sequencing your assignments, you will turn to your course content, working through how to choose accessible, affordable, and representative materials and how best to structure them within your course.
Student Interactions and Online Teaching Strategies3We will address how students interact with you and each other in an online course, and then you will determine the teaching strategies that can foster these meaningful connections.
Choosing Technology3Finally, through an interactive activity, you will think through how to select technologies that align with your learning outcomes and best fit the modality of your course. 


Get Started

Learn more about Endorsement requirements and offerings.

Apply for Endorsement

Complete your required documentation.