Photo of Hanna Primeau

Hanna Primeau

Institute Affiliate
Instructional Designer
University Libraries, Teaching and Learning

Hanna Primeau is an Instructional Designer for the Teaching & Learning department at The Ohio State University Libraries. She regularly consults others in applying sound pedagogical methods, including incorporating emerging learning technologies. Projects she has recently completed are the full redesigns of two of the Library’s for-credit courses, Information Search, Evaluation, & Use, and the course Academic Online Research. She recently led a team in developing and launching an Instructor Resources site, a digital repository dedicated to connecting instructors on campus to professional development guidance on topics such as information literacy and affordable learning, as well as library curated “just in time” learning objects that instructors can incorporate directly into their courses.


She also acts as a facilitator for the Drake Institute endorsement, Meaningful Inquiry. In this workshop series, participants explore pedagogical strategies to design research assignments that are meaningful and equitable. In addition to her work with the Meaningful Inquiry team, she conducts research on the use of Learning Technology and teaching Information Literacy as well as the information behaviors of first-year undergraduates."